Al consultar nuestro sitio web, la información podría quedar registrada en archivos «cookies» instalados en su ordenador, tableta o teléfono móvil. Esta página permite entender qué es una cookie, para qué sirve y cómo se puede configurar.


This is a text file placed in a dedicated area of the hard drive of your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device optimised for the internet), when viewing some content or an advertisement on line. This Cookie file can only be read by its issuer. It identifies your terminal in which it is registered for a limited period of validity.


Four types of Cookies, which are used for the purposes described below, may therefore be stored on your terminal when you browse our website:

1. Technical Cookies are required in order to browse our website and access various products and services. In particular, technical Cookies are used to recognise you and indicate that you have browsed certain pages for the purpose of improving your browsing experience, i.e. adapting the presentation of the site to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution) and memorising passwords. Technical Cookies can also be used to implement security measures (this is the case, for example, when you are asked to log in again to the member area after a certain period of time). These Cookies cannot be deactivated or configured, as this may block your access to the website and/or the services of the website.

2. The audience measurement cookies are placed by us or by our technical service providers to measure the audience of the different content and sections of our website, in order to evaluate and better organise them. If necessary, these Cookies may also be used to detect browsing issues so that we can improve the ergonomics of our services. These cookies only produce anonymous statistics and traffic volumes, to the exclusion of any personal information. The lifetime of these Cookies for measuring audience levels does not exceed 13 months.

3. Advertising Cookies are placed by our advertising partners, in the advertising space of our website. These spaces help to finance the content and services that we make available to you free of charge. These Cookies are placed by our partners in the context of advertising partnerships under which the advertising sales agencies may gather data regarding the content consulted on our website, in compliance with the provisions of the French data protection and privacy law of 1978. First, these Cookies are used to count the total number of advertisements displayed in our advertising spaces, identify these advertisements, count the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and, if applicable, identify the subsequent actions performed by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the amounts owed to the businesses in the advertising distribution chain (advertising agency, advertising sales agency, distribution site/medium) and to draw up statistics. These advertising Cookies are also used to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces, according to the browsing of your terminal on our website, or even, if necessary, according to location data (longitude and latitude) sent by your terminal with your prior consent (behavioural advertising). In this way, you can view the advertising that we deem to be most suited to your anonymous profile relating to your use of your terminal. These Cookies can also be used to limit the number of times you see the same advertisement on a particular device and adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising space based on the personal data that you may have provided voluntarily (advertising targeting). The lifespan of these advertising Cookies does not exceed 13 months.

4. "Social Network" Cookies are used to share content on our website with other people or to notify these other people about a piece of content you have consulted on the website and of your opinion regarding the latter. This is the case with the "Share" and "Like" buttons on the Facebook or Twitter social networks. The social network that provides such an application button is likely to identify you using this button, even if you have not used this button when browsing our website. We would recommend that you read the privacy policies of these social networks to find out what the browsing information that they can collect using these application buttons is used for. It may be for advertising purposes. The lifespan of these Cookies does not exceed 13 months.


By using our site, you agree to use the aforementioned Cookies. However, you may choose to disable all or part of these Cookies at any time, with the exception of technical Cookies that are needed to run the website as indicated above. Your browser can also be set to notify you of the Cookies that are placed on your device and to ask you to accept them or not.

1. Refusing a Cookie using your browser software

You can choose to disable all or part of the Cookies at any time. Your browser can also be set to notify you of the Cookies that are placed on your terminal and to ask you to accept them or not (on a case-by-case basis or in their entirety). However, please bear in mind that disabling all Cookies will prevent you from using our website normally, except for the basic functions.

Google Chrome

Select the Chrome menu icon.

Select Settings.

At the bottom of the page, select Advanced.

In the "Privacy and security" section, select Content Settings.

Select Prohibit all sites from storing data.

Select OK.


Choose Safari > Preferences, click Privacy, and then do one of the following:

To set the cookies and data from accepted websites:

Select one option in "Cookies and website data":

> Always block: Safari does not allow any website, third party or advertiser to store cookies and other data on your Mac. This can prevent some websites from functioning properly.

> Allow from current website only: Safari accepts cookies and website data only from the website you’re currently visiting. Websites often have embedded content from other sources. Safari does not allow these third parties to store or access cookies or other data.

> Allow from websites I visit: Safari accepts cookies and website data only from websites you visit. Safari uses your existing cookies to determine whether you have visited a website before. Selecting this option helps prevent websites that have embedded content in other websites you browse from storing cookies and data on your Mac.

> Always allow: Safari lets all websites, third parties, and advertisers store cookies and other data on your Mac.


Click the menu button and choose Preferences.

Select the Privacy and Security panel;e

In the History box, for the Retention rules option, select Use custom settings for history.

Select Accept cookies to enable cookies or de-select it to disable them.

Blocking cookies may prevent certain web pages from displaying properly.

Internet explorer

To open Internet Explorer, click the Start button, and then click Internet Explorer.

Click the Tools button and then click Internet Options.

Click the Privacy tab, and under Settings, move the cursor up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

Blocking cookies may prevent certain web pages from displaying properly.

2. Rejecting an audience Cookie :

On our site, audience Cookies are placed by Nugg Ad and AT Internet. If you do not want our site to store Cookies in your browser for audience calculation purposes, you can click on the following deactivation links that will store a Cookie in your browser, whose only function is to deactivate them :

Please note that these Cookies measure the traffic or the audience associated with our website, pages visited and interactions on the Website during your visit. By disabling them, the information relating to your browsing on our Website cannot be collected, making it impossible for our systems to propose content adapted to your browsing.

3. Refusing an advertising Cookie

You can manage the use and applications of these cookies by going to the advertising Cookies management platform provided by the advertising businesses: and following the instructions provided. This will provide the names of the companies registered on this platform, so that you can refuse or accept the Cookies they use to tailor the ads displayed to your browsing information.

Some of the Cookies used for behavioural advertising purposes are placed by third-party service providers. You can also click on the following links to learn :

Attention, procéder à cette désactivation empêchera l’affichage de toutes publicités ciblées par centres d’intérêt mais vous continuerez à recevoir les autres publicités. Désactiver ces Cookies empêche la collecte d’information permettant un meilleur ciblage publicitaire lors de vos visites : des encarts vides s’afficheront à la place de ces publicités ciblées.

4. Refuser un Cookie émis par un réseau social :

Si vous ne souhaitez pas que notre site enregistre des Cookies dans votre navigateur à cette fin, vous pouvez cliquer sur les liens de désactivation suivants qui enregistreront au sein de votre navigateur un Cookie ayant pour unique objet de les désactiver. Désactiver ces Cookies empêchera donc toute interaction avec le ou les réseaux sociaux concernés :


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Attention,la prise en compte de vos différents souhaits repose sur un Cookie ou plusieurs Cookies déterminés. Si vous supprimez tous les Cookies enregistrés au sein de votre terminal concernant notre site, nous ne saurons plus quel consentement vous avez émis. Cela reviendra donc à réinitialiser le consentement et vous devrez donc à nouveau refuser le ou les Cookies que vous ne souhaitez pas conserver. De même, si vous utilisez un autre navigateur Internet, vous devrez à nouveau refuser ces Cookies.